Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The BMA event was a really great experience. I think it is really neat that they took their time out to organize the event and help students. I think the organization of the event was really good. The pizza part was a little long but that was really nice of them to get food for everyone. Even though this was a business/PR oriented event and that is not my field of interest I felt really welcomed. Everyone I interviewed with put themselves in my shoes of acting as they were government agents interviewing me for a Special Agent job instead of expecting me to act as I was interviewing for a PR or Advertising job. My favorite part was that all four of the people I interviewed with were very engaging and respectful. I didn’t get much feedback which was a down side but they said everything was good so didn’t have too many suggestions. Personally I didn’t benefit from the Social Media session and I think that is because we talked about all that in class so it was a repeat for me. Overall I really enjoyed meeting everyone and I think this event is extremely beneficial to students and I would encourage everyone who has a chance to go to it.

For more information on the BMA event you can visit-
or @BMA_Milwaukee

Some of the other twitter handles I received from the presenters on Social Media and those are @stratocasting  @apiwarun and @haleylandsman

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

If you walk by me....

My name is Elvisa Pasic; I was born and raised in Sarajevo, Bosnia. When I was 13 my mom, brother and I moved to Neenah, WI which is where I went to Middle School and High School. I am going to UW-Whitewater, majoring in International Studies with an emphasis in Public Diplomacy and minors in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science.  I hope to be a Special Agent for FBI and work with domestically abused and raped victims, which I hope will lead me to work for NATO some day and work internationally.  On campus I am the Academic Affairs Director for Whitewater Student Government, Greek/Leadership Intern for SEAL, house manager for Tri Sigma Sorority and Head Delegate for PHC.  I take pride and honor to be involved and couldn’t imagine not doing as much as I do. I have social media knowledge with facebook and twitter as well as computer knowledge. The poem bellow I wrote in high school and it describes my childhood in a nutshell. 

War Child
If you were to walk by me with all your grace; you wouldn’t even stop and look at me and think of who I am. It wouldn’t even cross your mind to ask me how I have been, where I’ve been and where I am now. You wouldn’t even imagine that, when your generation was laughing, playing and living a happy life, I was hiding in the basement from bombs and grenades.
When kids my age went to bed and dreamed wondrous dreams, I prayed through the night for humanity and to see another day.
When I was hungry, you were full
When I was cold, you were comfy
When I cried, you laughed so silly
When I survived, you just kept on living!
So what do you think about me now? Do not feel sorry, for I am a War-Child, just another one of the many!
